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Common Mistakes in Trekking Damavand Iran
The main reason for most unsuccessful attempts are only few common mistakes done by new climbers, or even some experienced trekkers. By avoiding these common mistakes, you may increase your chance of success to Damavand summit.

Mount Damavand Iran
Hiking Tours to Damavand Mountain
Photo by Ardeshir Soltani

1- Guide
It is not compulsory to have a guide for Mt Damavand or other Iran mountains therefore many mountaineers believe it is not necessary and it is an easy trek! Remember an experienced mountain guide will increase your safety and also the chance of success to this giant peak.

2- Insufficient Equipment
In order to enjoy a safe hike to Damavand summit, it is essential to bring the proper equipment. Always have enough warm cloths and gears with you even during summer season to save your life in case of bad weather and emergency. Visit Equipment List.

3- Bad Weather
Do not leave your camping site and do not attempt trekking when weather is bad. Damavand Weather is generally good in summer season, but it could change to disaster very rapidly and you may not have enough time or energy to find a suitable shelter.

4- Trekking at Night
There is a wrong believe for years (also exist in present) which insist that you must trek the last part of this mountain at night, and because of sulfur gas near the summit crater this is the only possible way! It suggests to start climbing from high camp (Camp 3 Bargah Sevom) to Damavand peak at mid-night (or 1 to 2 AM) to reach the volcanic area early morning
and before the sunrise because of less sulfur gas. Visit Damavand Camps.

We (members of 100 Damavand club) believe it is a quite wrong way to challenge Damavand and strongly advice you never start at night and use the day lights only. In summer the best starting time to kick off from last camp (third camp Bargah) to the summit is 5 to 6 am.

Disadvantages of Trekking at Night
– At night the risks are higher.
– You cannot find suitable footpaths.
– You may make many mistakes.
– You will lose more energy because the weather is much colder.
– You do not have enough rest, and the most important thing, you may be awake but your body is not and the biological clock of your body says it is sleeping time!
– You may see some climbers attempt at night; to be honest most of these guys, about 70% do not succeed and never see the Damawand summit!

5- Sleeping in Crowded High Camps
In summer season especially in Iranian weekend and holidays, Damavand high camps (camp 3 Bargah Sevom old shelter and also the New Hut public rooms) are very crowded and too noisy and are not suitable for use, you are advised to bring and use your own tent for better comfort and privacy, if possible reserve and use private rooms in the Camp 3 New Hut otherwise bring and use a suitable tent far from the area. Remember that there is no other camp or shelter from this point upwards on the South Face of the Mountain.

6- Carrying Heavy Equipment
Do not carry heavy equipment from camp 2 (also called Mosque, Base camp or Goosfandsara) to camp 3 (Bargah Sevom) carrying heavy gears by yourself will make you tired for the summit day, use mule/porters or just leave the extra staff at Camp 1 Polour.

7- Short Acclimatization
If you live in a city with low elevation, like the sea level, it is highly recommended to have an extra day rest at camp 1 Polor or camp 3 for sufficient acclimatization. Remember camp 2 is not suitable for use any more.

8- Lack of Information
If you intend to ascend to Damavand summit for the first time, you better to find useful information in this regard. Read more in TimingItineraryMapGPS Track.

9- AMS (Mountain Sickness)
Take AMS seriously, a family of related medical conditions that sometimes develop when people travel to altitudes above 3500m (11,500ft), at times even lower. There is a wide variation in both the speed of onset, the severity of symptoms and also at the height at which they occur – this is different for each person. The problems are caused by lack of oxygen.
Read more in Mountain Sickness.

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